Terranet Further Advancing Its Life Saving Technology

Following the launch at CES in Las Vegas 2020, Terranet has through Q1 up to now taken further important steps in the development and proof of concept cycle with the life saving 3D motion software technology – Voxelflow. “With higher accuracy, lower latency at higher resolution we are coming closer to a point what no…


Terranet to Present First Serious Lidar Alternative at CES

At next week’s International CES 2020, Terranet will demonstrate VoxelFlow – a 3D motion perception technology capable of detecting and classifying objects far more accurately and exponentially faster than Lidar. Terranet’s demo is timely considering Tesla CEO Elon Musk shocked the press just last April with his remarks: “Lidar is a fool’s errand. Anyone relying…


5GAA conference in Turin, Italy together with Intel

Some pictures from the 5GAA conference in Turin, Italy, where we also presented in front of the Mayor of Turin. Together with Intel, Terranet jointly demonstrated a 4K streaming video application running over 5G networks utilizing Predictive Quality of Service (QoS) and Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC). It was great to meet with so many automotive…


Event! Self driving cars -vision to reality

(Swedish) Varför är självkörande fordon bra? Hur bra är de för Lund och Skåne? Och inte minst, vad kan de bidra med för den enskilde medborgaren? Måndag 20 maj, kommer representanter för framtidens smarta mobilitetslösningar att ge korta presentationer på ämnet – men också öppna upp för ett panelsamtal, där det är du i publiken…
